China Sees Growth in Number of Popular

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China Sees Growth in Number of Popular-Science Museums

 September 6, 2022
China Sees Growth in Number of Popular-Science Museums
Students experience a science popularization device about rocket launching at the Ningxia Science and Technology Museum in Yinchuan, northwest China's Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, Sept. 19, 2020. [Xinhua/Feng Kaihua]


BEIJING, Sept. 5 (Xinhua) — The latest data showed that there were 1,525 science and technology museums in China in 2020, up more than 50 percent from 2012, according to a press conference held on Monday.

China has been accelerating the construction of venues to popularize science since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, with its financial investment in science popularization up 8.16 percent annually.

In recent years, China saw continuous enhancement of its science popularization capability, as well as the conditions and foundation for popularizing scientific knowledge and ideas, said Wu Yuanbin, an official with China's Ministry of Science and Technology.

A number of scene-interaction bases will be launched to enable the public to learn scientific knowledge, master scientific methods and cultivate the scientific spirit in the process of interaction, said Li Meng, vice minister of science and technology.


(Source: Xinhua)


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